What Types Of Diseases Do Physiotherapists Treat?

There is widespread curiosity about the range of health issues that physiotherapists can address. While most people still associate best physiotherapist in Gurgaon solely with relieving aches and pains in the muscles and joints, increasing public education has helped dispel this misconception.

Physiotherapy is now widely recognised as having an essential role in treating neurological disorders like stroke and Parkinson’s and paediatric disorders like developmental delay, cerebral palsy, and autism spectrum disorders. Physiotherapy is crucial when it comes to healing from and returning to athletics. Physiotherapy is helpful for various respiratory and cardiovascular conditions, from covid-19 to post-operative rehabilitation. Physiotherapy is an excellent method for treating joint problems experienced by the elderly, such as dizziness, muscle weakness, joint pain, and bone density loss. Pre- and post-operative gynaecological issues and the success rate of many different types of surgical procedures can be improved by combining physiotherapy with gynaecological care. And a great deal more besides.

The most common illnesses that physiotherapists treats are:

  • Sprained Ankle

Achilles tendon rupture is a tear in the fibrous tendon that connects the back of the calf muscles to the heel bone.

  • Broken Ankle

Ankle fractures result in swelling of the fibula, tibia, and talus and can be caused by a fall or blow to the area.

  • Ankylosing Spondylitis

Ankylosing spondylitis is a form of arthritis that typically affects the spine and leads to vertebral inflammation.

  • Aphasia

Aphasia is a disorder of the brain’s language centre that makes it hard to read, write, and communicate effectively.

  • Ache In The Back

Intense pain in the back is usually caused by internal factors rather than external ones like injuries or illnesses.

  • Bunion

Simply put, a bunion is a bony growth on the big toe.

  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Repetitive trauma to the median nerve in the wrist leads to carpal tunnel syndrome, which manifests itself clinically as pain, numbness, and tingling in the affected hand.

  • Cerebral Palsy

Cerebral palsy is a muscle tone, posture, and movement disorder that affects infants at birth.

  • Cerebral Stroke

A cerebral stroke results when the brain doesn’t get enough oxygen and can affect many different cognitive processes.

  • Cervical Spine Trauma

Muscle, ligament, and intervertebral disc tears are examples of cervical spine soft tissue injuries.

  • Chronic Tiredness

Undiagnosed, long-lasting, or episodic fatigue that does not respond to treatment is considered chronic. The presence of all three of the following is necessary for a diagnosis of chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS): Pharmacological treatments for symptom management, cognitive-behavioural therapy, pacing strategies to avoid exacerbation of symptoms, and graded exercise therapy are all essential components of an effective treatment plan for chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS).

Need A Physiotherapist? Right, This Way.

The Physio Experts physiotherapy clinic in Gurgaon was founded to provide pain management, physical rehabilitation, and injury prevention services to individuals, communities, and businesses.

The Physio Experts is more than just a clinic; it’s a hub where patients can find the physiotherapy treatment Gurgaon, inspiration, motivation, and encouragement they need to improve their health, enhance their physical performance, and return to full participation. In keeping with the clinic’s philosophy that “every individual is unique and so are their needs,” the physiotherapists at Physio Experts in Gurgaon conduct a comprehensive assessment of each patient and develop a personalised treatment programme to meet their specific requirements.

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